Industrial waste that ends up in the watershed system or spilled crude oil tends to make a lot of people think twice about buying products from or doing business with a particular company. It's just really bad PR, and in these cases bad PR is not better than no PR at all. It can be quite damaging to admit to the public and other companies that what has happened was an egregious mistake and that it will be addressed. When these things do happen, the companies responsible rely on the masterful biochemistry of companies like Bio Petro Clean. The massive tanker spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 was quite the disaster. The company who owned the tanker put forth their full effort and tried to make things better by going directly to Bio Petro Clean for help. Why is that? Because Bio Petro Clean had developed a product that essentially "eats" crude oil and also helps contain it as it pulls it from the environment. That's some pretty serious science, and one which saved a lot of animals, ocean life and the people who lived along the coasts of the Gulf. Companies like Bio Petro Clean are constantly creating, researching and testing products to clean up man made messes. There's often talk that what they create is worse than the mess it's trying to fix, but the truth is, the focus is on "bio" and how to continue helping the environment. Although it's imperative that many industries should be monitoring their own activities and following the recommendations of environmental consultants, sometimes biochemistry can provide the extra help to keep things green that should be green and eliminate that which shouldn't. Environmental protection agencies oversea much of what biochemistry solutions companies produce. Until the federal government approves a biochemical solution, it can't be manufactured in large quantities, nor can it be sold to industries who may be trying to hide an environmental mistake. The products these biochemical companies do manufacture and sell have been created with a specific purpose in mind, and are made to work on a very specific problem. For instance, the abbreviated word "petro" in Bio Petro Clean refers to petrol, another term for crude oil. It's the company's claim to fame for finding a solution that could cure the mishaps and deadly dangers of oil tankers in the waterways of the world. However, since the development of that product, the company has since gone on to create more fantastic products to treat water for both accidental and intentional pollution. Their goal is not about saving face of these companies, but instead, it's about saving the wildlife, the environment and the drinking water everyone depends on for their well-being. Poisoned fresh water kills just as easily as sea water and there is far less fresh water in the world than sea water. That is what sets the environmental protection and biochemical solutions companies apart from all other industries. Water isn't the only thing that receives these treatments either. Soil surrounding oil derricks or the foundations of refineries and storage farms is treated with these new green biochemical solutions. The success of these chemicals is measured in the health of everything living around and near these sites. Contamination is contained and restrained; it is stopped prior to reaching ground water levels or becoming part of the watershed system. (When it soaks too far into the soil, it can reach ground water levels, and then far more costly and drastic measures have to be taken.) One might say that companies like Bio Petro Clean are the epitome of the "green" movement. Click here for more information.

